The Choreographed Lightshow Snowflakes
4.4 (29 Reviews) Item
The Choreographed Lightshow Snowflakes
4.4 (29 Reviews) Item
This is the set of three illuminated snowflakes that lines a walkway to dazzle visitors with a colorful choreographed display.
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Product Story

This is the set of three illuminated snowflakes that lines a walkway to dazzle visitors with a colorful choreographed display. LEDs outline each snowflake, as well as the inverted arches that connect the flakes together. The LEDs glow brilliantly in various lightshow patterns such as rainbow, chasing color, and shifting color that can be controlled with the included remote. Each snowflake mounts onto a metal rod with stakes that anchor into the ground. AC plug with 5' cord. 41" H x  79" W when assembled.

Customer Reviews Customer Reviews 4.4 (29 Reviews)